.. _case_histories_index: Case Histories ============== **Purpose of GeoSci Case Histories:** These provide the motivation for using geophysics and show the success, or not, of their application in making an impact upon the problem at hand. The case histories are provided in a specific :ref:`seven_steps_index`. Hopefully this consolidation promotes understanding about how geophysics can be used effectively and also promote “good practise” when geophysics is adopted to help solve other problems This resource is Open Source and while currently being developed by brilliant and enthusiastic graduate students and faculty at UBC, the vision is to have experts, worldwide, contribute. Join the development on github_. .. _github: https://github.com/ubcgif/case-histories. **Contents:** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 content/seven_steps/index content/mt_milligan/index **Contributors:** .. include:: AUTHORS.rst .. Indices and tables .. ================== .. * :ref:`genindex` .. * :ref:`modindex` .. * :ref:`search`